Friday 24 October 2014

Tiffin Rolls

Date : 24th October 2014

Dear Diary,
                 Lets take our first baby steps together with this simple recipe.

Tiffin Rolls

Simple Paneer Tikka rolls for the morning Tiffin.
Most of the preparation can be done at night, Took all of 10 minutes to slice up tomatoes and onions and roll the roti.. Before my Zumba class.

This recipe serves 4Ingredients
4 Fulka(Rotis). (make and keep in fridge)
¼ kg Paneer
1 1/2 tsp. Chat Masala.
Juice of ½ Lemon
1 Onion
1 Tomato
2tsp. Tomato Puree

Cut Paneer into squares and lightly grill in frying pan and add tomato puree and 1 tsp.Chat Masala (keep aside ½ tsp). This can also be done in the night and put into the refrigerator).

 Slice tomato remove the seedy part. Slice onions.Toss Tomatoes and Onions with juice of ½ lemon and 1/2tsp. Chat Masala.

Lightly heat the Rotis/Fulka on Tava( Griddle) and butter them lightly, put a little of the Tomato and onion slices , about 1/3 onto the Roti. Place 3-4 pieces of Paneer on top and roll. Put tooth picks on either end and cut into two.

hope you liked my Simple  Paneer Tikka Rolls recipe.


  1. Hey! Looks great! I'm sure you will enjoy your food blog as much as we will :)

  2. Looks good!. As an alternate, if you have access to it, I might substitute feta cheese for paneer , sprinkle some ground cumin instead of the chat masala and chopped coriander sprinkled on it before rolling.

  3. Yummmy !!
    Wholesome and healthy ideas ... My tomorrows lunch done .. Chicken currry ��

  4. :-) Congrats...Perhaps you can create categories like Drinks,Snacks,Soups,Starters,Main Course,Desserts....

  5. Thx Gaurav. Will do as soon as I build up a sizeable body of content.
